Interesting Links

Stuff I’ve found online that you should think about checking out

What I Listen To/Watch Revisited

A while ago I wrote a series of posts about what podcasts I listen to and what IPTV shows I watch. A lot has changed since then so I’m posting a few more entries about the new ones I listen to. Also, IPTV shows have now become video podcasts, so that’s something new!

When this series is done, I’ll post a dump of all of my current subscriptions in iTunes, just in case anyone cares.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links

One last Olympic Link

OK, OK, so you’re tired of the Olympics. I’ve been talking about the Torino 2006 Winter Olympics for 2 weeks or more now. However, I have to point out one more link that I thought was pretty cool. On the Bejing 2008 Summer Olympics site they have a page that shows all of the medal designs used in every Olympic Games and the torch design as well. You might not agree, but I thought it’s pretty interesting to see how the designs have changed.

View the medals here and the torches here.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Randomness

Torino 2006 Closes

Torino 2006It’s hard to believe that it was 16 days ago that I sat here in fron of a roaring fire watching the Opening Ceremony of the XX Olympic Winter Games in Torino. Now here I am sitting in front of a roaring fire watching the Closing ceremony. Lucky for the althletes and attendees of the ceremony it’s actually warmer there than it is here. It’s aout 40 degrees in Torino tonight, here it’s only in the teens!

If you’re looking for info on the next Winter Olympics, check out If you want info on the upcoming Summer Olympics check out or

In the meantime, I’ll still be watching the Torino Games for a few more days because I still have some left on my DVR that I haven’t watched yet. 🙂

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Randomness

Nothing predictable in Torino

While watching the Olympics over the past 14 days, I couldn’t quite put my finger on why I thought this year’s has been more interesting than some other years. The main reason that I could come up with was that this is the first time I had a DVR while watching the Olympics. It lets me completely skip over the really boring sports like hockey, figure skating and cross country.

However, tonight while watching the primetime broadcast I realized that there was something else. Jimmy Roberts mentioned during his nightly “Chevy Olympic Moment” that nothing has gone as predicted in these Olympics. He pointed out that there were no real sure things in these games. He also pointed out that so far during the Olympics, 26 different countries have won medals. There were some Japanese gold medalists, Croatian gold medalists, and many others you might not expect.

You can read/view tonight’s “Olympic Moment” on

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Randomness

Torino 2006 Widget

Looking for a way to keep up with the latest from the Olympics in Torino without having to head to the web? I finally found a good way. You very likely already use Konfabulator (now known as Yahoo! Widgets.) If not, go get it and then continue reading.

The Turin 2006 Winter Olympics widget puts the current medal count on your desktop and continuously updates it. It also gives you all the latest photos from the games and the day’s latest news.

Get the widget right here. It works on both Macintosh and Windows.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Randomness

100×100 Burger

I’ve never had the pleasure if eating at an IN-N-OUT Burger. The closest one is about 3000 miles away. I did see some when I was in CA last year, but there just weren’t enough meals in the day. 😉

Anyway, there is one group of people who have not only eaten there, but ordered a 100 by 100 burger. That is a cheeseburger that consists of one bun with 100 beef patties and 100 slices of cheese. This site makes me think of the classic days of the Internet when the web was in its infancy and every odd and eccentric person posted their adventures. You know, just like the Project:Denny’s or the Home Depot Bet.

Check out the 100 by 100 burger at

Posted by Michael in Cooking/Food, Interesting Links

100×100 Burger

I’ve never had the pleasure if eating at an IN-N-OUT Burger. The closest one is about 3000 miles away. I did see some when I was in CA last year, but there just weren’t enough meals in the day. 😉

Anyway, there is one group of people who have not only eaten there, but ordered a 100 by 100 burger. That is a cheeseburger that consists of one bun with 100 beef patties and 100 slices of cheese. This site makes me think of the classic days of the Internet when the web was in its infancy and every odd and eccentric person posted their adventures. You know, just like the Project:Denny’s or the Home Depot Bet.

Check out the 100 by 100 burger at

Posted by Michael in Cooking/Food, Interesting Links