I just added another new family member to the Gatti branch of my family tree. Bo & Tanna Wright had a baby girl, Annika Pacie Wright. Visit the family tree site for a link to her detail page and photos.
Spyware repair
I’ve long talked about the Michael’s Guide section of my site. It includes some instructions and tips on how to help you fix your own computer including an extensive section on viruses and spyware.
While I still believe that a lot of systems can be cleaned by end users, I’ve recently come upon a few systems that were so badly infected that there is no way that the average user could fix them short of reformatting the hard disk (which would result in data loss.)
If you feel you are in this situation, please contact me and I’d be glad to quote you a price on fixing your system. I’ll remove any spyware and viruses, install software to prevent future infections, update Windows with all current patches and updates and more. My prices are reasonable because I consider this a service to the computing community as a whole since infected computers on the internet hurt everyone.
Am I a statistic?
OK, so everyone has read the stats that say that most people who create blogs eventually abandon them. Looking at this site for the past month or so, you’d easily think I was one of those people. Well, I’m not, at least not yet.
The reason I’ve been so scarce is just because of stress. I’ve had a lot of other stuff to deal with. I have some stuff that I want to out up on various parts of my website, but there just seems to be too many other things to work on instead. I’ll eventually get to it though.
Anyway, just bear with me. My website never stagnates for too long!
Ice cream stamps
Well, here’s something interesting. Licking stamps has never seemed like fun before, but now in Australia you can buy ice cream flavored stamps compliments of a deal between the Australian Postal Service and Haagen-Dazs.
All New Photo Section
The Photos section of the site has been completely redone. I added a ton of new photos, replaced a few out of date ones, and re-rendered the whole section using a new program.
It’s about time
Today is an important day in the history of the state of New Jersey. I know, you’re thinking, “He’s happy about tax day?” Well, good news for you is that taxes aren’t du til the 17th this year, but that’s not what I’m talking about. Today is the day that New Jersey finally joins the ranks of other smarter states and enacts a ban on smoking in restaurants, bars and other public places. No longer will we have to be greeted with “smoking or non” when we enter a restaurant. Nor will we have to choke on smoke that wafts through the invisible wall that supposedly separates smoking and non-smoking sections.
All I can say is this law is way overdue. Learn more about why this is such good news at thetruth.com.
Family Tree is Back!!!
After several months offline, the family tree is back! It’s got a new name, a whole new look and more features than ever. It’s no longer restricted to one small part of the family, it includes all parts of the family now. Some sections are still under construction, but just keep watching because more and more will be added over time.
Some features of interest are that every detail page now has a place for external links where you can see family members’ own personal wesbites, a surname list to give you idea of what names are in my family tree data, a genealogy research resource page and more.
More Flying Spaghetti Monster
I forgot one thing in my previous post about The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. A lot of “devout” religious people have sent the author many e-mails. Reading them can only lead you to one concusion… Apparently, in order to be a religious person, you also have to be a foul-mouthed moron. Not saying that’s true, but that is the impression these people give in their letters.
You can read the various letters by clicking here.
Happy 30th Apple!
You already know I’m a fan of Apple computers so it won’t come to surprise that I think their 30th anniversary is a cool thing. Despite many woes over the years the company is going stronger than ever. Surprisingly, it isn’t their computers that put them in the great shape they’re in today, but instead it was their iPod. Of course, I never leave home these days without my iPod so maybe it shouldn’t come as a surprise.
Read the article at CNN.com.
Happy 30th Apple!
You already know I’m a fan of Apple computers so it won’t come to surprise that I think their 30th anniversary is a cool thing. Despite many woes over the years the company is going stronger than ever. Surprisingly, it isn’t their computers that put them in the great shape they’re in today, but instead it was their iPod. Of course, I never leave home these days without my iPod so maybe it shouldn’t come as a surprise.
Read the article at CNN.com.