August 2016
We left Moncton early and drove back into Nova Scotia to visit Five Islands. We stopped at the lighthouse, got a view of the actual five islands and tracked down the restaurant that promised the best fried clams around, Diane's Restaurant. The hype was accurate. The clams were phenomenal. Then it was off to the 8 mile long Confederation Bridge to our third province in 5 days, Prince Edward Island. The bridge is an impressive feat of engineering. Our first stop in PEI was the bottle houses in Cap-Egmont. They are exactly what they sound like. Buildings built out of glass bottles. This roadside attraction features more than just 3 very cool glass bottle houses. It also has a flower garden and a vegetable garden. We got to talk to the gardener a bit. She makes some incredible things grow from the bright red soil of PEI. After checking into our quant little motel in Summerside, we went to the College of Piping for Highland Storm. We had bought advance tickets to this fantastic show of bagpiping and highland and Celtic dancing with a modern twist.