I’m an RSS feed

One of the benefits of having an actual blog is that it has an RSS feed. There’s a feed of my posts as well as feeds of comments for each post.

For those of you who don’t know what RSS is, it’s a feed that can be read by a news aggregator. Basically, you get information from a bunch of websites at once. The program collects the items and displays them for you. I personally check about 50 feeds everyday. I could never visit all of those websites, but its only takes a few minutes to scan through the list of items in my news aggregator.

For more info on RSS visit Wikipedia’s article on news aggregators. They even list some good choices. Personally, I use NetNewsWire for Macintosh.

Once you have a program up and running, subscribe to my feed at http://www.michaelgatti.com/blog/feed.

Or subscribe to my comments feed at http://www.michaelgati.com/blog/comments/feed