Another Victory for Christmas

I have to commend the Port of Seattle for correcting a really stupid mistake they made over the weekend at the Seattle Airport. They pulled down all of the Christmas trees at the airport after a rabbi complained. The employees of the individual airlines began buying their own trees to display in their ticketing areas because that is leased space and the Grinches at the Port commission couldn’t make them remove them.

However, after some public pressure the airport has now replaced the trees. They also say they did it because the rabbi said he wouldn’t sue.

I’ve said it before and i’ll say it again. This is not a religious issue! While Christmas is obviously rooted in a religious tradition, their is also a secular side to the holiday. I know people who aren’t even Christians who celebrate the secular parts of Christmas. I’m not exactly a bible scholar but nowhere in the bible story do I recall hearing about Santa Claus being present at the nativity scene.

Read the article on CNN right here.