Gattis from around the world

You probably already know that I’m working on a brand new family tree website. It will be a big improvement over my previous site. Besides making better use of the technology at hand in order to make the site easier to manage and scale, I’ve also left a lot of room for additional content that I intend to add. It hasn’t launched yet, but I’m working on it finally!

As I work on it and go through all of the existing information that I already have available, I’ve realized something that is pretty amazing. My little website really does reach a world wide audience. I’ve gotten e-mails from so many people who share last nameswith people in my family. They’ve come from all corners of the United States plus countries such as Brazil, Argentina, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany just to name a few. I see hits from all around the world in my site logs, but I often think that it’s probably just robots crawling my site. But the big folder of e-mails that I have from around the world tells me otherwise.

Anyway, just sharing my amazement. I’ll address this in a more formal way on the new site. If you’re a distant relative or someone who shares a surname, feel free to drop me a line or just post a comment right here in the blog.